2023 Call for Nominations

We support and grow business to build a strong economic community through proactive leadership in advocacy and relevant programming.
Respected leader in regional economic growth and building vibrant business relationships.
2022 Highlights
- Active community participation and lobbying on behalf of our member businesses
Including: Providing a voice for business to Municipal, Provincial and Federal Governments
- Delivery of valuable education & support throughout COVID 19. Many support business campaigns, using social media and our communication platform to promote our members. Also, very successful “Shop Where Your Heart Is” shop local campaign once again in winter of 2022.
- Successful In-Person Award Gala – Celebrating individuals, organizations, and businesses.
- Provided free antigen screening kits for small and medium businesses.
- Delivery of valuable membership services including member exclusive discount insurance programs, Member to Member discount Program and other member benefits.
- Partnership with the Brockville Winter Classic for our Fun Golf Tournament, raising funds to help support the Winter Classic with their project at Rotary Park.
Benefits and Rewards of Being a Chamber Volunteer
- Actively participate in affecting positive change in business
- Strengthen your community through its voice of business.
- Develop new skills and enhance current skills.
- Expand your network of contacts and relationships.
- Increase your knowledge of issues affecting your business.
- Work with the community’s business leaders and stakeholders
Nomination Process & Timelines
Jan 24 Strike Nominating Committee
Feb 28/ Mar 28 Final Nomination Report presented to the Board of Directors
Mar 16 Nomination Report and Final Call for Nominations
Mar 23 Nominations Deadline, at 4 pm
Mar 30 Annual General Meeting
Call for Nominations

The Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations from the membership to fill one director position. The final call for nominations is March 16, 2023 at 4pm. Please ensure the nominee has agreed to let their name stand for consideration on the Chamber Board. Forward the following information to pjrobertson@brockvillechamber.com or fax to 342-6849. Additional inquiries may be directed to Pamela Robertson, Executive Director, 613-342-6553, ext.101
- Name of Nominee
- Company/Organization
- Telephone Number
- Nominating Member
- Outline of Nominee’s Background
Terms of Office
Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce
- Elected for two-year term and shall not hold office for more than 12 consecutive years. By-Law Section 5.2
If you would like to recommend a suitable candidate (s), please contact either Orlando Spicer, President – Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce orlandospicer@gmail.com or Pamela Robertson, Executive Director of Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce pjrobertson@brockvillechamber.com
Responsibilities of a Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
- Attend monthly meetings usually the 4th Tuesday afternoon of each month.
- Attend the Annual General Meeting, held in March of each year.
- Be a member of at least one committee of the board or task group which meets in conjunction with Board meetings
- Prepare for and participate in board meetings and understand the information provided in order to support substantive discussion and sound decision making to help the board fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities
- Be an ambassador of the Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce in the Brockville & area community
- Supporting and attending events and functions that the Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce put on for our members

To: Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and Members
From: Orlando Spicer, President of the Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce –
Chair, Nominating Committee
Re: Annual General Meeting, Slate of Officers
Orlando Spicer Modern Brock Group
Barry Moss Four-O-One Electric Ltd
Keeley Patterson O’Farrell Financial Services Inc
Sue Watts Employment & Education Centre
Zeke Cox BDC
Andrew Melchers IN Engineering & Surveying
Teanne Larocque Employment & Education Centre
Jamie Puddicombe St. Lawrence College
Completing 2-Year Term
Alain Picard Ketchum Manufacturing Inc
Kent Henderson RBC
Steve Latimer Beattie Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ltd
Christina Covey-Shannon RBC
Melissa Boulton (YPN)
Vacancies to be Filled:
Vacant Seat (Young Professional Director)
Vacant Seat (Chamber Director)
Board of Directors Slate for 2023
Jamie Puddicombe (Incumbent) St. Lawrence College
Orlando Spicer (Incumbent) Modern Brock Group
Teanne Larocque (Incumbent) Employment & Education Centre
Zeke Cox (Incumbent) BDC
Keeley Patterson (Incumbent) O’Farrell Financial Services Inc
Andrew Melchers (Incumbent) IN Engineering & Surveying
Barry Moss (Incumbent) Four-O-One Electric Ltd
Additional Nominees